Fellowship Baptist Outreach
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Jesus Christ is the reason for this site.
Jesus shed His Perfect Blood/ and rose from the dead on the third-day/ and paid our debt for sin so that we can be saved by repenting of our sins and accepting His free gift of Salvation by Faith!
Fellowship Baptist Church
meets every Sunday Morning 11:00 AM
Antioch Community Center in Camden, SC
1591 Bishopville HWY.
(Note from Pastor Dixon)
We would like to thank those that are writing in their questions, along with their comments to this Ministry. It is a blessing that others are being encouraged by what God has called us to do. Thanks you for visiting this site. Please continue writing in any questions or comments, Lugoff@Gmail.com or just fill out the form on this and other pages within our site. Also, please pray for our various Radio Programs which encourages those that are saved while reaching out to the lost.

Let's have Church!
Every Sunday Morning 11:00 AM
Every Wednesday at 7:00 PM
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.