Donnie's Daily Devotional
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(New Life)
Faith Message
Often, when something tries to keep condemning your heart due to a past event, this is undoubtedly a reminder of what you were saved from. Once delivered from that, or any of your past sins, you can also remind Satan of the Blood of Jesus that saved you once you repented. Darkness tries to cover the light - but light drives out the darkness and gives you new life. You could have done little or much, but you were still lost before asking God to forgive you! Have you ever heard someone boasting that they have nothing to be forgiven of? No! That's not the way things work! They are just as lost as the vilest sinner unless they repent of sin and get saved!

"Good News Poem"
When we think the very worst...
God is aware; He will be there first!
When we think, all is falling apart…
Let God's Word strengthen your heart.
When we think that all is lost...
Remember, Jesus paid the cost!
When we wonder what is to be...
The path will open to a brighter day!
When it looks as though all is wrong:
Keep on singing a happy song.
When things seem to be going badly
God will deliver you so very gladly!
When storm clouds are all around:
That will pass and remove any frown!
When doubts and fears crowd you out
Praise Jesus with a Heavenly Shout!
When many depend on just their views:
Gospel of Peace is still the Good News!
Never look back; keep pressing on:
"Blessed Assurance" is a lovely song!

(Some Day Soon)
God loves you, this is true…
God can surely see us through:
Day by day, we are loved…
God came to us from above!
Hold on tight in true faith...
Soon to see our Savior's face.
Let this world hear the news
Tell the truth over all views!
Trust in Jesus: He can save
He has power over the grave!
Upon that day - it shall be...
Up in Heaven, forever free!

(Kind Words)
So many ways to speak the truth…
Words, once spoken, are on the loose
To take them back would be no way
Be sure you mean just what you say.
When truth is given to those in need
It's up to them to gladly heed…
To tell someone something untrue
Some day soon, it return to you.
There are many things said each day
Before you speak – take time to pray.
God is aware of each word for sure…
Keep your message honest and pure.

(Forever Forgiven)
Often lied about, but always loved:
Thank you, Jesus, for the truth from above!
Few will listen where so many will ignore:
This message of faith crosses every shore!
Some are, sadly, living a lie...
Come to Jesus before you die!
Be aware when living unpure:
Such a life is so unsure!
Caught up in deception - not looking to God:
Soon to meet judgment, then comes a rod!
Very aware of these words that are spoken…
Prayer can heal whatever was broken!
Once they repent and from such ways...
Then comes peace for the rest of their days.
As forgiveness is received, grace enters in:
Forever and ever - a life is saved from sin.
Now that you know what has been told:
It's time to examine your eternal soul!

"For That One"
Someone came out as others did follow
From sinful ways, no longer to wallow!
Jesus left the ninety-nine for that "One"
John 3:16 is God's only Begotten Son!
On the Cross, the finished work was done
In true faith, this race we must run!
Anyone can find this pathway of light
The Word of God gives spiritual sight!
Come to Jesus and receive His Grace...
Soon, we'll see His majestic face!