Tract Page 15

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Jeremiah 33:2 Thus saith the LORD the maker thereof, the LORD that formed it, to establish it; the LORD is his name; 3: Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.


(Spiritual Invitation)

The only hope of Salvation is that souls will come to Christ! It is time to trust Jesus now while living a life of faith each and every day! From there God wants us to  speak His Truth in love! It is for certain that Jesus Christ does save sinners. Let us keep reading His Word: but most of all, let Jesus have His way in all that you do and say! 



Page #3

John 11:35 "Jesus wept."

Part 1


Page #2

(Jesus Wept)

Part 1

So many (so-called-Believers) are doing things just out of repetition

but not out of dedication to the Lord!


Some are going through the motions

but not following through with action!


There are those that are seeking Truth; but once they find it, they (barely or rarely) will apply to their lives!


(Jesus Wept)

Part 2

God also has very powerful and highly controlled emotions; and by being so, this is

what determine how we are taught about love and truth.


God is so deeply moved by the circumstances that surround our lives that He willingly came

to this earth to show us that He is the only way to overcome any or every trial.


Jesus sees the seriousness of pain, suffering and death (so-much-so) that it highly affected

Him Spiritually and Physically! And now, by God's Grace we can endure; then, according to The Bible:

"Death is swallowed up in victory!"

Page #4


What happened yesterday

It now has surely passed:

Within this brand-new day

Make every moment last.

Things will get better…

All because you do believe

It is an act of your faith…

Like planting a fruitful seed!

Today is a precious gift…

Yesterday is what you learned

Today is truly a blessing

A gift cannot be earned!

Today will help us recover

What cannot be forgotten…

To leave something unprotected

It will rust or become rotten!

Today must not be taken for granite

Be assured that this is a fact…

Those who waste a single second

Such ways are considered slack!

Now that you have just heard…

And my poem has been made clear

This shows that what is written:

There is no reason to live in fear!
