Tract Page 4

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Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.


(Staying Calm)

Faith Article

Storms of life do happen from time to time. There are different ways to react if you are being fought -- but before the situation gets out of hand, our Faith in Christ should guide us to take proper steps before making a response! 

First, we must take immediate precaution if there is immediately danger. Then, after that; remaining calm should help us to keep things together before anything else occurs. 

Sometimes it could be a matter of patience; this is another condition that will try our souls. Otherwise; through it all, just stay calm and keep believing things are going to work out for the best.


Page #3

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6: In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

(Trust God Always)

Faith Article 

It's not because things are not the way they should be: but sometimes it is a matter of giving God time to do what must be carried out on His side. The Lord has a reason for things that are happening, which we often don't understand. To trust God always is to give Him praise as He does whatever is necessary to answer our prayers in accord with His will. From there, someone may ask, then why pray if He has His own way of doing things? Prayer is there to line us up with doing things Gods way, rather than just trying to do things our way. Otherwise; we always have Faith to fall back on until things are back in line as the situation is resolved! The key is to keep pressing on in Jesus and live day by day in the pathway of His love and Grace! God knows best and He also wants the best for your life... even more than you do! Amen to Jesus!


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(Heaven Knows)


Only Heaven knows how very real:

Beauty and grandeur: how it feels.

Majestic power with streams of light

A God of love: and a God of might!

We do ponder as we also search 

 Read our Bible and go to church

 To carry-on as we do our best:

 We seek and pray: then we rest.

Way up high... beyond this sky

Not a single soul to ever die!

Peace forever with no turning back

Where Faith became an eternal fact!

Standing in awe there face to face

Beholding their Savior in that place!

As Angles sing upon that shore

Home with Jesus forever more!