Tract Page 13

Page #2
Psalms 24:1 The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. 2: For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.
(Faith over Finances)
What do you have that was not given to
you and this is even if you worked for it. Had God not given you the strength to do the work you would be back where you started; without anything! Therefore; if it is yours and you earned it, what is it to say you can't lose it faster than you earned it? There's nothing wrong with honest labor, but when it takes preeminence over the things of God... what you have then has become a curse rather than a blessing! To give glory to God is to always acknowledge
His Truth over your own knowledge and ways. It is from there you find contentment and become thankful for what God has allowed you to know and do for His Son, Jesus Christ.
Page #3
(God loves You)
God is wonderful Jesus our Lord
His yoke is easy not too hard.
Here on earth our God will hear:
Help is available: Jesus does care.
God loves you: everyone must know
Jesus came here His truth to show.
He is lord: the everlasting Christ...
He saves from sin: He gave His life.
If you are seeking this path of hope
Call out to Jesus: by Grace we cope.
Receive by faith what is eternally true
Remember this also: God loves you!
Page #4
(Thinking Clearly)
To carry on is to use obstacles
or set-backs as a tool of conditioning!
To give your cares back to God is to carry-out what was intended
to be completed as hope takes the place of fear and doubt.
Go forth into the (Pathway of Light) where
darkness is expelled and truth is consumed.
Faith is increased by those that are more determined to continue
their calling, even when being fought!
A person of (little faith) can easily become bitter, and unless they repent: thoughts of turning back could become a reality!
A broken spirit has a potential to overtake itself without
being able to get back on track just by refusing
to get the right help!
Get back up while you can and let God take you by the hand!